Includes two Wire Hiders, perfect for the Large Ready Table. Simply peel and stick wherever you want to manage cords. Friction fit J-channel will handle any cord management challenge.
Mirror, mirror, who is the cutest of all? Mirrors, top, bottom and sides provide an interesting perspective of self awareness. Acrylic, distortion free mirrors in a sturdy cube.
Inspire young readers by displaying a vast array of titles. Ten slots in each of the four sides. Can accommodate magazines and tall books. Entire unit glides smoothly on ball bearing platform.
Just the right height so preschoolers can view and reach their favorite titles. Six slots in each of the four sides. Entire tower rotates smoothly on ball bearing base.
Save space with this twin sided easel. Scaled up for the older artist. Removable tabletop easels. Comes standard with hardboard easels. Optional Acrylic, Chalkboard and Write-n-Wipe panel available. Clips and paint trays are included.
Writing desk on one side, reading and listening center on the other. Eleven shelves to store supplies for developing fine motor skills. E-Z to clean laminate desktop is 23.5" high. Facing bench seats are 10" high with a storage shelf below, perfect for cassette players. Two sizes available. Minimal assembly.
Couch for quiet time on one side, desk and storage on reverse side. Couch seat is 13" high, red cushion included. E-Z to clean laminate desktop is 21" high. Minimal assembly.